Swimming At All Ages- A Lifetime Sport

Swimming At All Ages- A Lifetime Sport

    Many times I will hear from clients that it is difficult for me to engage in exercise or...

Walking On Our Divine Path- Awakening to Our Truth and Black Magic

Walking On Our Divine Path- Awakening to Our Truth and Black Magic

As we begin to evolve on our own spiritual journey and awaken to our higher self, we become magicians in...

Love Is the Highest Vibration on the Planet- Nourish the Mind, Body and Soul

Love Is the Highest Vibration on the Planet- Nourish the Mind, Body and Soul

      Love is the highest vibration on the planet and we must start to nourish our mind, body...

Flaxseeds and How They Can Benefit Us

Flaxseeds and How They Can Benefit Us

  Just what are flaxseeds and how can they benefit us? Growing up I remember being around family members who...

Transitioning To A Vegan Lifestyle and Starting Anew!

Transitioning To A Vegan Lifestyle and Starting Anew!

As a Registered Dietitian, I encounter several clients who are vegan or are interested in transitioning to a vegan lifestyle...

The Health Benefits of Spices on A Weight Loss Journey

The Health Benefits of Spices on A Weight Loss Journey

Are spices good for us? Did you know that spices can actually help you lose weight? Yes, it is true...

The New Earth- Awakening and Standing In Our Truth

The New Earth- Awakening and Standing In Our Truth

The Earth is going through an awakening process and much is taking place. Thankfully, we are ascending into a higher...

A New Earth

A New Earth

With the current pandemic going on, we can feel the energy shifts and we are moving towards a “New Earth.”...

Meditation and Mindfulness: Now Is The Time

Meditation and Mindfulness: Now Is The Time

Get your Detox bundle today- mariakrd.com/shop now including Mellow Yellow   I hope that everyone is staying safe, healthy, and...

Nutrition Wellness

Nutrition Wellness

Nutrition Wellness is asking everyone to stay safe during these unprecedented times and is currently accepting Telehealth Nutritional Consults. Call...