How To Lose Weight and Reduce Body Fat in 14 Days?

How To Lose Weight And Reduce Body Fat In 14 DaysThe question of how to lose weight and reduce body fat in 14 days is a common question. How can one lose weight and reduce body fat in 14 days at Nutrition Wellness. I explain the foundation of how to lose and reduce body fat in the quickest time possible. First, the energy balance equation needs to be explained in order to understand the principle of weight loss. The more calories consumed and not expended, will lead to weight gain. Therefore, if a person eats more calories than they burn, they will gain weight. In effect, if a person burns more calories through physical activity than they consume, they will lose weight. It is a mathematical equation. Aside from certain genetic conditions and abnormalities, (e.g. hypothyroidism), this equation holds true. Now understanding the foundation is a piece of the puzzle. Now, let’s get to the action plan.

The plan that will be put into action will follow a weight loss protocol that incorporates physical activity, intuitive eating, low carbohydrates/high protein, losing weight and loving yourself. We will work together and come up with a plan, including meal plans, nutritional guidance, physical activity guidance, coaching and support. These will all help clients to reach their goals of losing weight and reducing body fat. BMI, which is Body Mass Index, is first measured to see which category a client falls into. The BMI ranges are as follows: BMI- Normal- Healthy Weight- 18- 24.9; Overweight: 25-29.9; Obese- 30 or higher.

If a person’s BMI is above 24.9, they are considered overweight. According to the range above, they can either fall into overweight, obese, or not listed here, morbidly obese. If a person is overweight or obese, the action plan is to cut calories and increase physical activity (once a client is cleared by a physician).  The first recommended plan of action is to incorporate more physical activity into the regimen. Walking is a great way for a person who is not use to a structured workout/exercise program to get started on their weight loss journey. If medically feasible, cardio and strength training are encouraged as well.

In reference to food intake, lower your intake of carbohydrates and increase protein. Carbohydrates are breads and grains, pasta, rice, starchy vegetables, cereal, candy, cakes, sweetened drinks, among others. Higher intakes of protein are recommended such as chicken, fish, lean meats, eggs (watch the yolks- whites are fine), almonds, oats, cottage cheese, among others. Incorporate more plant-based foods, fruits, vegetables into your diet. Eat more greens, salads, and don’t forget to drink 8-10 glasses of water daily. These are essential ways to maximize optimal success on your weight loss journey. Adapt these recommendations into your positive mindset and you will succeed at achieving your weight loss goals. Losing weight and loving yourself is the wellness aspect of my Nutrition Wellness program and allows clients to focus on self-love and becoming the best version of ourselves. Physically losing weight changes our physical bodies, which in turn, changes our mental, emotional, and spiritual state of mind. When we lose weight and develop a better relationship with food, we ultimately better ourselves and improve our mind, body, and soul. At Nutrition Wellness, my goal is that I work towards guiding clients to get in touch with their inner selves and come to accept ourselves as loving beings who can shed our light on to the universe and raise the vibration of the planet. We create our own reality and losing weight and feeling great will guide us on our journey to becoming the best version of ourselves. Contact Maria at Nutrition Wellness to sign up for my 30 DAY WILL WEIGHT LOSS program. Visit my website at and email me at to book or call – 901-321-5033.

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